About Me

Greetings for pet lover all over the world! We are The A Team, a passionate group from Swinburne University of Technology that cares about animals, especially dogs and cats! We provide this amazing auto-machine for feeding your pet while you are away for work or while you are on holiday! This machine is completed with the timer and it will allow you to set the schedule and the amount of food needed. We are here not just for you and your pet, but we are here for the community as well. Every Feed a Pet sold, we will donate 1 machine to a animal shelter, and you can choose the shelter yourself! So, if you are desperately need holiday and you have two puppies, and you are thinking about your neighbours to take care of them but you don't trust them, it is your time to get Feed a Pet. Help yourself out and support the good cause! Feed A Pet Australia Team
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As a previous dog owner, I have experienced both the joys and sorrows of what it was like to own and take care of an animal. It was a memorable experience that influenced my love and respect for animals in all walks of life. For many pet owners, the unconditional love and affection involved in owning and taking care of a household pet is so powerful, that one truly begins to establish an emotional connection with the animal to the point where it is viewed as a member of the family. It is this connection that many animal lovers across Australia and the world have, which motivates them to

• Engage in volunteer work to help animals;
• Rally in order to take action and stand up against animal cruelty.
• Establish charities and fundraising events to raise money for helpless animals,
• And donate money to support homeless, sick and abandoned animals. 

In today's world it is very easy to become a volunteer and help support a worthy cause, there are now various means and methods in Australia, in which thousands of volunteers are now partaking in, in order to ensure that the animals we know and love are being taken care of. Countless small and large Australian animal shelters such the RSPCA, now give anyone the opportunity to become a volunteer in different regions across Australia, just by registering on their website. By volunteering, people are given the power to learn how to save, capture, feed and preserve animals across certain regions. With over 2,400 volunteers, the RSPCA has become one of the first animal shelters to establish a nationwide network of volunteers, to ensure the welfare of animals across Australia. This initiative essentially helps motivate animal lovers across Australia to volunteer, and as a animal lover myself, I believe its critical that we see more volunteering programs like this take place.

As a society it should be our responsibility to care and nurture the Animals of this country, it fills me with great joy and respect to see the effort being put forth by amazing people, who dedicate their time and effort towards ensuring the well being of Animals. I have personally seen how irresponsible and cruel animals can be treated in different parts of the world. On a visit to the middle east I witnessed birds, rabbits and cats being shot at. I also saw a dog lying dead on the side of a highway whose carcass looked like it had been there for several of days. Seeing and experiencing such little regard for animal wellbeing in a different country, really makes me appreciate and respect how Australia upholds such strong and positive views against animal cruelty, and the successful implementation of certain laws being used to prevent it from happening. It is the animal lovers and volunteers for who we have to thank, that have helped defend the rights of animals by encouraging the creation of such laws that prevent animal cruelty, and it is for this reason we should be thankful and do our bid to volunteer.

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Natura Lia said...

i agree with you
volunteers plays a very big role at animal shelter
check out the story from clair

Unknown said...

is it fair for a business to sustain itself on the donation of volunteering ? what happens if one day the volunteers stop. charity should take a step in a more stable business plan

Unknown said...

In an altruistic society people want to contribute their time to those in need and not for financial benefit, but rather for the peace of mind that they are contributing to something beyond monetary value that makes themselves and others feel better. I believe it can be fair for a business to sustain itself through the donation of volunteering, however I do believe it can be risky if volunteers choose alternative paths and end up leaving the business. Therefore the business plan might not be successful in the long run if it solely relies on the donation of volunteering . Therefore it is important for the organisation/animal shelters to employe people who are motivated with interests to stay with the business for a long time. This in turn will help sustain the business model/ employee structure rather than solely relying on volunteers. This in turn can help sustain itself into the future

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