About Me

Greetings for pet lover all over the world! We are The A Team, a passionate group from Swinburne University of Technology that cares about animals, especially dogs and cats! We provide this amazing auto-machine for feeding your pet while you are away for work or while you are on holiday! This machine is completed with the timer and it will allow you to set the schedule and the amount of food needed. We are here not just for you and your pet, but we are here for the community as well. Every Feed a Pet sold, we will donate 1 machine to a animal shelter, and you can choose the shelter yourself! So, if you are desperately need holiday and you have two puppies, and you are thinking about your neighbours to take care of them but you don't trust them, it is your time to get Feed a Pet. Help yourself out and support the good cause! Feed A Pet Australia Team
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The history of RSPCA

The history of RSPCA

The concept of RSPCA began in 1871, after a public meeting was called to discuss the ill treatment of horses in Victoria. From this recognition of mistreatment the meeting formed Australia’s first society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The other states then followed Tasmania in 1872, New South Wales in 1873, South Australia in 1875, Queensland in 1883, and 20 years later Western Australia in 1892.

In 1923 the Societies were given the Royal Warrant, becoming known as the Royal Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

An informal meeting of all Societies took place in Melbourne in 1965. It was agreed that all Societies where to meet once every two years and to discuss mutual problems.

By 1980 the RSPCA movement needed to become a national organisation to speak with one voice on policy matters, and to offer advice to the Federal government on national animal welfare issues.

Since its initial movement in 1871, the RSPCA has fought relentlessly against animal cruelty. It has witnessed dramatic and positive change in the way that animals are treated within our society and has seen incremental change in legislation governing animal welfare.

The RSPCA is an organisation created by the community and driven by strong community support. Without public backing the RSPCA would cease to function and without the services of the RSPCA the future for thousands of Australian animals would look bleak.

RSPCA now have The RSPCA runs 40 shelters, employs around 1,000 staff and spends more than $80 million every year on the services it provides. RSPCA provides service such as
• Adoption of household pets such as small animals, cats and dogs,
• Shelter care for lost, mistreated or abandoned animals, and
• Veterinary care for animals.
• Information on animal issues in Australia

Feedapet has acknowledged the positive impact that RSPCA has done for the welfare of animals within Australia, and the hard work, time and energy involved. It understands that RSPCA depend largely on donations and volunteers to survive as a business. Therefore Feedapet would like to provide RSPCA with a helping hand. For every domestic purchase of a Feedapet we will donate a Feedapet to one of the 40 shelters. By providing a shelter with a feedapet it will reduce the hours needed on volunteers to feed each animal and provide the volunteer with more time to focus on other tasks such as the social elements of training, petting and adopting.
With your purchase of a Feedapet not only do you and your animal benefit, but an animal in need will benefit too.

If you would like to make a direct donation or for more information about RSPCA and its contributions to Australian society visit their website at www.rspca.org.au

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Unknown said...

Good information!
I've been to RSPCA in Burwood once and i was wondering, how did they start all of this. RSPCA has been doing good things for community. I'm a big fan of cats and dogs, and it would be amazing if they can do good things for homeless pets.

My favourite thing about RSPCA is the volunteering opportunity. It encourage people to care more about pets and society.

If only i have a permanent job, i would like to be a permanent donor :)

Widyasari Ratnawati (Widy)

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